As I have written before I believe we are living in an altered State. A state of flux and human mania exemplified by Trumpism, the capital surge, and Wall Streets bizarre behavior. This interview gives my R-rated version of my opinions on GameStop, Short squeezes and systemic risk. My view is deeply affected by my 47 years in the Options trading business. 41 of those years were as a professional including as a floor trader , proprietary trader , specialist, Managing director partner ,founder, and hedge fund founder and manager. Because almost no one will read this or care to, this blog serves as a record for me and my friends and family. My professional friends if they ever read it will recognize my tone as consistent over the 40 years that they know me. If others read this and listen to the interview they may judge me as crazy. Whatever , I am comfortable , badly wound financially from the Pandemic . March 2020 was our worst month ever and then we were whipsawed on the upside in what I believe was a series of short squeezes to the upside. Overstock, NIO, Hertz, Kodak ,Game Stop and Tilray. Pat Ford is a friend and Libertarian . I have flirted with libertarianism often. I think he conducts a good interview.
here's the video