In 1997 The RI Actuary and investment
consultants advised the Retirement Board to adopt an investment return
assumption no higher than eight percent. Against advice, the Board decided on
an 8.25 percent rate of return. The
level of subsequent underfunding due to using unrealistically optimistic
actuarial assumptions have in fact increased the unfunded liability
over time.
The discount
rate is in theory determined in large part by the yield curve and the prevailing
risk free rates. In 1997 rates were significantly higher and so it was a fairly
easy to promise to achieve 8 % returns without much risk. As can be seen in
the chart below, the 10 yr. risk free rate was 6.5% and the 30 yr. risk free rate was
close to 7%. Had the retirement board simply invested in zero coupon bonds @
6.8% in the 1990’s going forward they would almost fully guarantee normal cost
But the rate scenario can change and generally speaking the
lower the risk free discount rates the lower expected returns are on all risky
assets. Stocks are the riskiest of the asset classes and as such most
fiduciaries, like the State of Rhode Island, have roughly 55 to 65% invested
stocks and the remainder in Fixed Income and alternatives.
Interest Rates in 2015
Last year 2014 was
the fifth year of extraordinary federal monetary intervention and we are still
operating under ZIRP (zero interest rate policy). Given those facts, a super
majority of U.S. economists and money managers are predicting much lower
returns on their portfolios. Now rates look like this:
Last year’s 2014
RI Treasurer Debates with Ernie Almonte, Seth Magaziner, and Frank Caprio
featured Seth Magaziner declaring he that he (Seth Magaziner) was a superior money manager and also
stated he would “raise” the discount rate. In my opinion “RAISING” the discount rate from
7.5% would be truly insane and serve no public purpose but is completely in
line with his senior policy advisor Tom Sgouros whose stated belief is that Gina Raimondo
created a “false crisis” by lowering the rate to 7.5% during the 2011 Pension
If Treasurer
Magaziner were to make his senior advisers preference to
raise the discount rate, it would lower the "budgeted" amount necessary for
funding the pension plan in 2016, 2017 etc. and thus make it easier to spend on
other items like social programs or fill budget holes on the horizon such as probable lost casino revenue. Once in effect, Treasurer Magaziner , Governor Raimondo
and adviser Sgouros would have fulfilled progressive promises to ignore deficits and pension or OPEB liabilities . Then they could better balance the near term State budget by kicking –
the –can and placing an even larger burden on the next generation.This has been policy for 40 years in Rhode Island and now it will be again.
This raise would be completely irresponsible, yet
not unheard of in Progressive thought, which increasingly seems to be Governor
Raimondo’s path.She appears to be abandoning her belief in "its just math". Political calculation has replace pension calculation. The evidence is real. If the former Treasurer does in fact believe
that a lower discount rate was necessary in 2011 and she wasn't lying ,then there is even more
evidence today 7.5% remains way too high
and should be moved toward Warren Buffets 6%. Regardless of what Magaziner decides, both GASB 68 and
Moody’s will ignore Magaziner ‘s rookie guess and use rates approaching 5.4% in calculating
unfunded liabilities.
New Liability figure explodes
Here‘s what the
new funded ratio in Rhode Island will look like in just 3 months when fiscal
year 2015 comes to an end.:
RI State Pension
Unfunded Liabilities
RI State Pension Funded ratio (80%=healthy)
2011 prior to RIRSA and amortization 8.25%
RIRSA Raimondo Nov 2011 post reform 7.5%
RIRSA June 30 ,2014 7.5%
June 30,2015 5.4% GASB 68, Moody’s **
**Assumes 2.5% fy
2015 return on assets
RIRSA is just not Working
Even under 2011 RIRSA reform and after
a massive bull market the funded ratio has not improved, that means that costs
have been calculated incorrectly and discounted incorrectly. Using GASB 68 the
State and Magaziner will be forced to report a collapse in the funded ratio and
a huge increase in Liability. Under current law the State does not have to fund
reality but they do need to show a 5 year plan and clearly spell out the
current financial condition of the State. That should be interesting.