Last Week one of the largest alternative asset
management conferences in the United
States took place right here in Newport
Rhode island. I am a two time veteran of this conference having presented my
tiny Rhode Island based Hedge Fund in 2007 and 2008. I did not attend this
years conference and I fully expected to
read all about it in the local media which for a while now has been virtually obsessed with Treasurer Gina
Raimondo’s decision to use Hedge Funds
in her asset allocation mix. This mix is for plan assets funding the State of Rhode Island Pension Plans. This
conference is usually a sell out and I assume it was again this year. It has
been well attended by Rhode Island officials as well. That’s why today I sit
here shocked at the lack of coverage by Rhode Island media. What does this
mean? Does Ted Nesi really not care or is he just a groupie for RI Future? Does
Go Local really have an article everyday blasting Raimondo’s on her pension
policy and then miss the largest conference relevant to the subject matter? It was held directly under their nose in Newport,
Rhode Island? How pathetic is that? I know the Providence Journal has chimed in
on the subject where were they?
So given the media blitz by several RI media
outlets covering a Forbes blogger and the subsequent Afscme hiring of this
reporter to investigate Raimondo, I figured all eyes would be on this annual
conference. The Public Summit It would have been quite interesting. And it
would have been interesting ,as well, to get the media spin ,because for anyone
really in the business of managing money, the anti Raimondo campaign comes off
as a political hack job. The media, if it had chosen to, could have gotten a
real education about pension funds and answered a lot of the questions that
have been thrown against the wall. The Public Summit Funds East was a virtual
“smorgasbord” of ideas and real world uses of alternative assets used in
managing pension funds. Three days of meetings included presentations by
managers on their use of Private equity and hedge funds when investing for
their pension plans. Among the presenters
and panelists were the NEW YORK CITY UNIFORMED
HAMPSHIRE RETIREMENT. Early on the first day an appearance was scheduled for a
Board member from Rhode Island pension
commission discussing the current “State
of the United States Pension System “. Later on in the treasurers’ roundtable, the state
Treasurers for South Carolina, Utah, Oklahoma and Iowa were to discuss multiple
topics and field questions from the audience. But alas none of the so called
concerned activists or reporters were there.
Virtually every topic was reviewed over the
three day period by experts and users across the nation. You would think Go
Local or the Providence Journal or Nesi Notes would have been starving for this
event to round out their knowledge and to look into the accusations they themselves
have printed multiple times. At least that is what I expected. I had hoped that
then , reporters once having been educated ,would report more fairly what is
going on in the pension world and what investments are truly acceptable as part
of an overall strategy. Sadly , I have concluded that what probably happened
here in Rhode Island Media was someone
with an agenda notified friends in the press about the labor sponsored campaign against hedge funds and Gina
Raimondo . Spoon-fed articles with very shaky facts were proffered. And while
it was clear to me that some of the reporters and promoters really knew very
little about this business, the public was a gullible mass just like the Dems
hoped. I welcome the opportunity to educate the public. I hoped this was a
chance for someone other than me to set the public and the media straight. But no, just when the local media could have
contributed mightily to the public debate on defined pension plans and the
management of pension funds by simply attending
and reporting on the 3 day conference in Newport, they failed. Instead
there was no coverage at all, no educating the public, no clarifying the
difficult issues. This was a wasted opportunity; it never occurred to me that
our media would miss this chance to inform the public. What a loss.